Is it the taste?
No I love the taste of Hubba Bubba, especially the sweet, sweet strawberry!
Is it the artificial flavours?
Nah, it's not like I eat truckloads and that it would make a difference my health!
So then is it the whole concept of chewing gum, like a cow chews it cud?
Nope, a bit of chewing never killed anyone (I didn't research that, so don't quote me on that) and plus it is supposed to be good for digestive health.
So what is it then, that prevents me from enjoying the odd Hubba Bubba experience?
When I eat Hubba Bubba, I do just that....I eat it, not chew it. Merely seconds after the initial chews, I swallow it. It's not a choice, it's a given. I have no control over my Hubba Bubba chewing. I think the longest I have ever lasted was 70 seconds, and that was only because I made a great effort. Usually it's only 20 seconds. As soon as that opening burst of flavour begins to dissipate, it's down the hatch for the pink piece of goo. And then I have to have another piece, which also has a life of 20 seconds, and so it continues for the remainder of the packet, consumed within minutes.
I know what you are thinking. "Bubble gum stays in your throat/stomach/any part of the digestive system for 7 years!" I also had heard this from many people in my life over the years. My Dad, my school friends, the butcher, and the lollipop man outside my school, just to mention a few. Worried by their revelations but unwilling to cease my relationship with bubble gum, I set off to do some research.
After many years, several thousand dollars and a trip to India to ride on an elephant I discovered this to be a myth. No matter how many packets of Hubba Bubba I ate, I would continue to digest as normal. I was relieved, happy to be able to resume my liaison with bubble gum.
But after the first packet, I began to think, “Well what’s the point? One minute of chewing for a burst of artificial flavour. Was it worth it? Were there far more satisfying flavours out there waiting for me to try? Was there any point in eating bubble gum when you didn’t actually ever get to the bubble blowing stage? Wouldn’t it be better to just eat strawberry flavoured lollies?”
And so it ended.
Hubba Bubba was put aside in favour of those pink fluffy cloud lollies……gosh how I love them.